Sunday, May 31, 2009

The Month of May....busy

May has been a whirl wind. We had
Matthews First grade play,
The 5k Walk
and Mothers Day.

We also had Elizabeths Dance and Matthews
Violin Recitals all in the same day. We have had
wonderful weather and we have tried to make
the most of that. Mimi and Pappy have opened
the pool so the next post will probably be summer
fun pics. The picture below is part of Elizabeth's
flowers she got on dance recital night they were
beautiful, but not as beautiful as her! She is really
growing up fast. Hope all are feeling
well and enjoying equally nice weather.

Matthew really did well with
his violin this year and has greatly
improved. We look forward to another
year playing.


We did a 5K run for Elizabeths
4th grade teachers little one
year old girl. She has been
diagnosed with cancer and is
battling it like a little trooper. The communtiy has really come
out to support and do great things to help.

First grade play
-Guess what he is?

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Tweetsie is open for the Season!!

We headed up to Tweetsie for the First Weekend
of the Season. The weather was a little rainy, but
just enough to keep some away and make it perfect
for us. No crowds and no sweating! We had a great
day and look forward to heading back in a few weeks
to see Thomas when he is there for a couple weeks.
By then school will be out and Summer will be under
way. Yeah Summer!!!!!!!

to wait
out a

First Holy Communion

Grace had a beautiful First Communion. We enjoyed
sharing the special day with her and family!

Grace was really excited that the cake had what
she thought was a big "T" for Tully before she
could see the whole cake. It really was a
beautiful cake and delicious too. The weather
was perfect and the food and company were equally