Thursday, August 27, 2009

Summerfest and Pigging out for Libby Claire

This past weekend was a busy one, but we didn't
really get any good pictures. We spent Sat. morning
at Summerfest, in York. It was very busy and very
hot! We had fun, but anytime we go to that type of
thing, we girls of course want to shop at all the vendors
and David of course does not! We all had fun, but David
said it cost him too much for what he got out of it. Oh
well it was his idea. We also stopped at the Peachtree on
the way home for peaches and a watermelon. They
were delicious! We wrapped up the day with the Pigging
out for Libby Claire benefit. It too was very busy and
seemed like they had a great turn out. The ones who
set it up did a great job. Overall a nice hot end of summer
weekend. Looking forward to Fall!

Elizabeth has become quite the hairdresser with
her American Girl Doll, which is also Elizabeth.
She got a hair salon chair for her birthday, and has
put it to good use.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Seed little seed what will you become?

Matthew planted some seeds earlier in the season
not knowing what would come up we were
surprised with this first little pumpkin. The seeds
were snack food for the hamsters so we didn't
really know what he had planted until they started
springing up in the yard in different locations.
He was quite proud of the fruits of his labor!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Happy/Sad lets get it over With!

Well the first day of school. The kids were noticeable
anxious and David and I were too. Each year this is
a happy yet sad day. I was really the sad one today,
David is having a little anxiety with Elizabeth now
having reached double digits, but I was sad about
really not being needed as much with each year that
passes. Oh well that is life and children grow up. Hope all
are having great first days of school I know ours will be,
and as soon as its behind us I will happily say goodbye.

She was up and moving, but there were tears and
anxiety the night before.

Do you think this is a forced smile?

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Hummingbird Release

We went to the Botancial Gardens again this
weekend for the hummingbird banding and
releasing program. Matthew wasn't as
interested as Elizabeth so I was really glad she got
to release one. They are so fast and tiny we
didn't get a picture of it flying out of her hand,
just her empty hand!

The flowers are really in full bloom. This hibiscus
only pales beside Elizabeth.