Sunday, October 25, 2009

Ghost Train!

Well we made it to the Ghost Train finally.
Unfortunately it rained on us the entire time!
We still did some train riding before the evening
and then got on the Ghost Train! It was scarey,
but we survived and headed down the mountain
shortly after our ride. It was just too cold
and wet for anything else. Goodbye Tweetsie
until May 2010!

Scarey train engine!

Rainy Day Blues!
Last ride on number 12!

We found a few jail birds trying to stay dry!

Friday, October 23, 2009

Artist of the Week!

Matthew was very excited to be Artist of the Week
at school this week! Obviously only so many get this
honor with limited number of weeks at school, so we
were excited for him that his art work got displayed
with the sign and comments above about what he
likes to draw. Both of our kids love Art and we have
been blessed with a great Art teacher at their school.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Davids Birthday Feast!

Today was David's Birthday and his request was
for good ole Hardee's easy enough! On any other
given day, he would get a lot of complaints about
this choice, but since he was the Birthday boy there
was no grumbling. This is a guilty pleasure for him,
a giant hamburger that no one should eat very often.
He loves them! HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAVID and
many more. (Better not eat too many of these if we
want that to happen!)

He got a little German Chocolate Cake at my Parents
House. I really got off easy this year!


Monday, October 12, 2009

Tweetsie Railroad Fun!

Well we headed up to the mountains this weekend for what we
thought would be our last trip to Tweetsie until next year. The
main reason was to go to the Ghost Train event. Well I got the
days wrong and we ended up there on a day there was no Ghost
Train! We still had a great day though and went ahead and spent
the night. the weather was perfect, a little cloudy, but no rain and
perfect cool Fall weather. The leaves have really started to turn,
so when we go back in two weeks for the Ghost Train it should be
in full glory!

I love this picture, it says it all!

That was one big Spider!

We even ride the mounse train. Why not?

Elizabeth couldn't resist the face painting this trip, she
has managed to skip it the last two times, but she
couldn't resist this time!

The mountains in the Fall!

We have to have pictures of #12 or it wouldn't be a
trip to Tweetsie!

He was not happy that he found no Gold on his mining

A twirl on the Tweetsie Twister!

This is the new baby piglet that they have named
Cinder. He was so cute, but when you see the big ones

Goodbye Tweetsie until the 23rd of October when we
will venture back for the Ghost Train!!!!!!!

The next day we had to go into town and get some
ice cream at Kilwins, although it was too cold for it!

We also stopped in to pick up Mrs. Christie some new
boots at the Monkees Store.

Think he's a little cold after ice cream in the 55 degree

Friday, October 9, 2009

Fall Fun at the Peach Tree Pumpkin Maze!

We went Tuesday after school to the Peach Tree's Maze.
It wasn't exactly a nice day, but it wasn't raining and
the temperature was comfortable. The kids of course
wanted ice cream so the two activities didn't seem to
really go together, but they enjoyed both. We look
forward to the maze and pumpkin patch every year, and
we are blessed with such a beautiful place to live in the
Fall how could we complain about a few clouds on what
turned out to be a great day!