Friday, December 18, 2009

Santa Visit at the Botanical Gardens

We finally made it to see Santa, we decided to go
see the lights at the botanical gardens and visit with
Santa there. Matthew loves this, because they set
up trains every Christmas along with the lights. It
was a mild evening and no rain! Which lately we have
had quite a bit of it, but we stayed dry and not too
cold. Overall it was a really nice evening for our

they do an orchid tree that is beyond words.

Reason for the Season

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Speed Stacks!

This week we enjoyed Matthews Christmas play
at school and for the past few weeks we have been
watching him become consumed with Speed Stack
cups. For those of you that have not heard of these
it is twelve cups that the kids stack up in a series
and take them down in a certain order, being timed
of course. He has already gotten frustrated
and cracked a couple of them trying to be fast. I wish
he would work half as hard on his school work!

Day after Thanksgiving!

We headed out to get the real tree the day after
Thanksgiving as we do every year. It was cold
but the sun was shining so it was really perfect
tree picking weather. We also had Catfish with
us and he enjoyed seeing all the other dogs out
with people picking trees. We got home and
decorated the tree and the outside. We don't do
much outside, but we got it all done and are ready
for the holiday!
The beloved Tweetsie ornament!

Elizabeth helped Dad cut down the tree!

Matthew enjoying some hot chocolate!

Thanksgiving Day!

I finally had some time to put some pictures up from Thanksgiving.
We had a really nice quiet day this year. We started by putting
up one of our two trees. This is the "fancy" tree as the kids
call it. After that we headed over to my parents for
turkey and all the fixins. We put there tree up too and the
kids played some games and hung out. It was a nice quiet
day that ended with full stomachs and thankful hearts!

Matthews Thanksgiving Art work!