Sunday, January 17, 2010

American Girl and Aquarium

We made a quick visit down to the American Girl Store
in Atlanta, GA and the Aquarium this past Thursday.
We made our reservations and Elizabeth, Mimi, Myself,
Matthew and her dolls all had dinner at the Bistro in the
American Girl Store. She loved going thru the store
and getting to have a really good meal right there with her dolls.
We spent the night and then got up bright and early for a
four hour visit to what they say is the largest aquarium
in the world. They have four whale sharks that
Matthew was very excited to see, and I have to say
they were amazing! We really enjoyed our
quick visit, and made the most out of our time there!

Dining with her dolls!
Matthew wasn't that thrilled with the doll
store part, but he liked the eating part!

Elizabeth and Mimi, we were glad she joined us!

The Elizabeth doll had a giant mug of Hot Chocolate...
Yummmmmmmmmmmm! Sorry Matthew but you
have to share. Ha Ha

Yeah chocolate fondue for dessert!

The mall also had a carousel inside so the
kids went for a spin on that too!

Then Matthew was happy to find out that there was
a train that ran thru the mall, it had great train
noises too!

The aquarium was a lot to see, four hours later we
headed home!

They were able to touch small sharks and sting rays!

Thursday, January 7, 2010


Wishing everyone a Happy New Year! We had
a nice quiet evening with snacks, movies and Wii
games. It was fun and everybody made it to midnight!
We had our toast with our sparkling apple cider
and off to bed we all went. Hope everyone else
had a nice evening as well! May we all continue
to be as blessed as we have been and thankful for
what we have.
Hoping that 2010 brings a better job for myself and
happiness for David in the job that he has, and of course
continued health for us and our children. We hope these
things for all of you as well, again HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Matthew had this mouth piece that lights up his
mouth. You can't really see it in the picture, but
it was funny!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Christmas Day!

Our Christmas Eve actually started with my Mom's
family, but for some reason we didn't take the
camera, when we got home the kids took the quickest
showers they have ever taken and put out the
reindeer food. Then Matthew put out some cookies
for Santa and they both said goodbye to our Elf friend
Elfis who had been with us since Thanksgiving night.
We have been so blessed this Christmas season with,
health, jobs(so far so good) and our love for each other
and our families. These pictures show that but what
they don't show is that we also celebrated Jesus's birth
and made a point of being thankful for all of these blessings.
We hope these same things for all of you, our Friends and
Family! Love to you all!

Putting out Reindeer food!
Cookies for Santa!
Until next year Goodbye to Elfis!

The kids actually didn't wake us up this year so we
had a chance to snap a pic before the mess was made.
Elizabeth broke her alarm clock this year so she was on
her own and they were both so tired from pre Christmas
activities with friends, church and family that they were just exhausted
and actually didn't get up until after 7am, and we woke
Matthew up at that point!
Elizabeth has continued to enjoy her american girl
Kirsten and since she retired this year Santa made
sure she got things that would no longer be
available. Thanks again Grandma Paula for the
Kirsten doll she has been much loved!

Matthew of course jumped right onto his new speed
stack cups and decided if 12 at a time was fun how
about 36. He is not quite as obsessed these days
but is still loving the cup stacking.
He got a timer with his new set!
We headed over to my parents house around 1pm
and the kids opened gifts were their cousins.
Matthew of course with yet another train!
Elizabeth with her Julie doll!

Presents with Grace and Joe!

The kids enjoyed an evening with Grace and Joe
on the Saturday before Christmas and played
well for several hours while the parents and
Grandparents were Christmas party going. We
felt like we had our own Christmas party and enjoyed
having them with us for an evening of fun!