Friday, June 25, 2010

Fathers Day and a Birthday!

Well I think David had a good Fathers Day! The kids
gave him a t-shirt, shorts and some socks. They
also on their own gave him a mug and of course
Matthew made him some art work. My Dad had
the fortune of his B-day being on Fathers Day too,
and that is probably equivalent to having a B-day near
Christmas Day. I think he still had a good day and I
don't think we gypped him too much in the gift area!

The mug Elizabeth picked him out was of course for
the greatest Dad!

The kids also picked him out one of those cards that
had a little humor to it and ended with him being
the "guy who's holding this card is the greatest dad
in the world!"

Matthews artwork, he made an island for David
because David mentioned he would like his own
island! Also, Matthew said it looked like the Sponge Bob
opening to the cartoons, which he thought was pretty

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Elizabeth's Piano Recital

Elizabeth had her piano recital this past Sunday,
and she did great! We really enjoyed all the kids
who performed, which five of the other ones were
children of my cousins. They all did a great job,
and we love Elizabeth's teacher she is a great lady
who really loves what she does.

Tweetsie Railroad again!

Well we headed back up to Tweetsie last weekend. It was a great time although
it was warmer and more crowded since there were lots of people there to see
Thomas! We could only ride the train once, but we still had a great day and look forward to going back on July 4th!

This is Loco the llama!

My little Jail birds!

Friday, June 4, 2010

Last day of School!

Well the Kids are out of school and I can hardly
believe Elizabeth will start Middle School next year!
She has loved her years at Griggs Road and we will
miss having the same schedule for both kids, but they
just won't stop growing! Matthew enjoyed Field
Day by having a little face painting and the bottom
pictures are from a class project Elizabeth participated
in and they did the decade of the 70's. I was a little
enlightened with that one seeing all the past prices
from as far back as the 50's, boy we pay a lot more now!

Happy Summer!