Friday, July 9, 2010

4th of July Weekend!

Well the weekend started out
great with lots of family time
and a trip to the mountains to
ride on Tweetsie 190!
We had fun there of course and
the weather was perfect, warm
and sunny during the day and
by the time the fireworks started
we had to put on sweatshirts! We
got home late on Sunday night and
all slept in, the heat was back on at
home so we decided to go to the
movies. In hind site I wish we hadn't
but, what can you say that's why they
call it hind site. My car got broken into
while we were in the movie and my
purse got taken. Fortunately my wallet
was with me and the only thing they really got was my nice handbag, cell phone, sunglasses, and at the time we thought a $100 gift card to Best Buy. We fortunately were able to use the receipt to have the card cancelled and reissued before they found it, I really think when they found no money they just tossed it, and my phone had no bells or whistles that so many others have
now(not even texting capability) so I think they tossed it first since it was off when we called it right after we saw the glass and knew what happened. It was just more emotional and stressful, because of some paper work I had in it for me than anything else. I will have my new window and side piece put in today, they used something that bent the side of the window up as well as breaking the glass out. After today I will put this all behind me as a lesson learned.
I have always been cautious about what I leave in my car(wallet with me)and I always told the kids to hid there things, even stuffed animals, but I was under the false illusion that the tinted windows lended me a certain amount of protection, and since I have no trunk in my car, there really isn't much of an option to hide anything, so..... My car has been emptied out this
week since I have no window or way to lock up, so it will probably stay that way.
Our lesson learned was leave nothing behind that you would care if it disappeared
or would cause you stress to clear up!


Newest Tweetsie creatures, bunnies, this is Matthews hand
rubbing the one they named Oreo!


Elizabeth joined in to do some clogging!

As soon as the park closed they had the sparklers out
getting into the spirit with the rest of the crowd!

Statue of Liberty Pose!