Monday, December 27, 2010


Well I haven't posted lately so here we go from
November to mid December. We are so busy
with school and the kids extra activities I don't
know where all the time goes. This was Matthews
first real project and he did a really good job. He
has SC history this year and they had a Native American
project that with a little hot glue help came together nicely!

Leaves, leaves everywhere leaves......

Thanksgiving weekend we did the usually out
to the tree farm to get the Christmas tree. We
had a nice sunny day and Catfish came along
for the trip again this year!

Are you sure this is the one????

A little hot chocolate break!

The kids got to see Santa at the Botanical
Gardens again this year and we enjoyed
the lights and the beautiful orchid tree
they do ever year. Of course Matthews
favorite is the trains in the orchid observatory!

Elizabeth had a choral performance for the holidays
and it was really nice, she is enjoying the chorus quite a bit!

Matthew had is holiday violin recital and did a
great job, he really is doing well this year, even
though he took a little break from it last year!

More leaves, leaves and more leavesssss......

We did finally get all the leaves raked, at least
the ones on the ground. I will post Christmas
hopefully by the end of the week or sooner!
Love to all!