Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Life after Christmas!

Well since Christmas we have gotten back into the swing
of things, twice. Thanks to another snow the kids enjoyed
some more time off and had time to enjoy getting to know
Jerry the lizard. Otherwise we are all well, thankfully, and
back to a normal rountine as of now.

Tree removal, sad yet happy!

This was Matthews Santa imitation, pretty good!

Here are some pictures of Jerry the newest DeLanghe! He
fits right in since he likes to eat and lay around!

The kids ended up out of school with this second snow
for a whole week! The first two days were fun, but
after that it was come on melt would ya!

I don't know exactly what Elizabeth was doing other than
getting cold and wet!

We had a quarter inch of ice on top of the snow so
the kids used them as giant popsicles, yum(not)!

David joined in on the attempt at sledding! No broken
bones, yea!!!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Merry Christmas!

We started our gift giving and receiving with Joe and
Grace on a Sunday afternoon in early December. The
kids enjoyed giving each other a little something and
then playing together for a while. The boys both got
books that are very obnoxious, but also very funny.
You have to hear them to truly appreciate the
hilarity of them. The title says it all "Farts"!

The girls were more civil with books, gloves and
sweet smelling hand sanitzers.

Elizabeth's school party was a Greek Festival
instead of a Christmas party. I guess Middle
School age things start to change. Toga party!

Christmas Eve we let the kids open a gift from
each other!

Christmas morning, this year Matthew
actually got Elizabeth up, times are changing!

ready for snow!

ready for a gecko!

ready to go online and play some games!

ready to wrap myself around some large prey!

After gifts and a nice breakfast we headed over
to my parents.We got to see Katie and Emily
for an hour or so and then just hung out and
ate too much food!

We actually got snow on Christmas Day, in
the evening, this picture was on Sunday after
it had snowed through the night. The kids
actually enjoyed a full day of snow fun!
Which for here is unusual, especially this early
in the Winter!

Matthew got his leopard gecko after the snow
cleared and we headed up to Petsmart. His
name is Jerry and so far I just see a lot of
trouble coming my way, but we'll see!