Friday, November 25, 2011

Tweetsie Ghost Train Adventure

Well this is back tracking some, but as you can tell by the quality of the pictures we forgot the camera so we had to buy a disposable one and have it developed, and since we kept forgetting to take it this is a little late happening. We went up on David's B-day and did Ghost train that night, which I am realizing as I am writing this I posted this backwards. The next day we spent the morning and part of the afternoon back at Tweetsie for our last visit until next year when they reopen in the Spring! It was very cold, but we had a great evening and the kids really enjoyed it. Matthew also had his picture taken with their version of Jack Sparrow, and he actually looked and acted the part pretty well. Overall it was a great trip and as usual the mountains were beautiful and the weather was great!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Kings Mountain State Park

Last Sunday we went to the State Park and took Abby for a little nature walk with us. We all enjoyed it since the weather was great and the leaves where still hanging on last week. I think we are past peak, but still enjoying a beautiful Fall!

Saturday, November 5, 2011


We did the usual Halloween by heading up to the Tully's neighborhood and enjoying the occasion with a parade and trick or treating! The weather was great and the kids had a good time as always.

Matthew was the character from the Scream movies but really didn't put the mask on! Thankfully!!!

Elizabeth was a donut, so cuteeee!

Matthew and David's Tepee's

We recently trimmed our Crepe Myrtle trees because we will soon be getting a new roof on the house and didn't want the roofing guys to do the trimming. With all those limbs Matthew and David got an idea to build a tepee. They actually ended up building two and did a really good job:)

Trains and more Trains

David and Matthew headed up to Spencer, North Carolina, and went to the Transportation Museum and did what else but ride a train. That boy loves some train riding!

Friday, November 4, 2011

Tweetsie Railfan Weekend

We went to Railfan Weekend at Tweetsie back in September. This is the weekend that you can walk the tracks and go into areas that are usually not available to walk to or look at. They also hook up both engines(#12 and #190) and do a double header which is the video at the bottom of the post. We all had a great day and of course Matthew is ready for next years trip back for railfan weekend:)