Thursday, May 10, 2012

Chorus Performance

Elizabeth had her Chorus performance this past Tuesday night, and it was wonderful.  For the age group they really do a super job at entertaining and enjoying themselves while they do it:)


We got one of those kits that sends you the little baby catipillars so you can watch them turn into butterflies!  We had four and enjoyed watching their change and then releasing them on a beautiful sunny day:)

Tweetsie opening Weekend

Of course we headed to Tweetsie on opening weekend.  The weather was beautiful and we had a really nice visit :)

We had a Panda with us on the train:) 

This picture is for Aunt Darlene and Uncle Terry, David thought this would be a great project for any leave behind wagon wheels Uncle Terry might come across:) 

Easter Sunday

The Easter Bunny came and brought lots of yummy candy and even a new outfit and toy for Abby:)

Dying Easter Eggs!

We colored a few Eggs for Easter a couple days before.  I always love seeing them dyed, but don't know what to do with them after its all done!

The process:) 

Happy Birthday! 10

My Baby is 10!!

Matthews Birthday

Of course Matthews Birthday involved trains!  We went up to Spencer, NC to the Transportation Museum and to a hobby store right beside the museum.  It was heaven to him!

I got a little nap in on the train ride, but it was too short:)

Can't believe he is 10!

Weekend Guest

One of the little girls from my class joined us for the weekend and we really enjoyed her being with us.
So sad when she had to leave:(

Abby loved having company too! 

Junior Honor Society

Elizabeth was asked to join the Junior Honor Society, this is a real priviledge as you have to maintain an overall  A average!  Of course she has!
They had a reception after the ceremony and we enjoyed a little sweet treat and some punch. 

January 2012

Well it is 2012 and I am way behind posting or doing anything other than work and laundry:)

This is the beautiful gift Darlene made me for Christmas, I meant to send this pic to her but haven't done that either.  Love it in the dinning room, it matches everything perfectly.
My niece Emily turned 9 in January and the kids went horseback riding.  She loves to do that and the rest of them are happy to go along as well:)

Happy Birthday Emily!!!