Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Indiana and Family Time

We made it to Indiana July 5th around 6:30 and it had been a long day of driving.  We got within a couple of miles from Aunt Darlene and Uncle Terry's and had to stop for a train, so Matthew was happy about that.  The next day we went into Walkerton and watched for trains and saw this engine that just happened to cruise by:)
We got to meet this cutie pie, Lydia, but not her new brother who didn't make an entrance to the world until we were on our way back to South Carolina:(  We will have to meet him on our next visit!
We went to the 4H Fair with Aunt Darlene, but it was sooooo hot we didn't stay long.  Long enough of course to have ice cream and bring home some giant Cinnamon rolls:)

We spent a lot of time at the table catching up on everyone especially since the heat was so intense we just couldn't do much out doors!
We had a good time catching up with Whitney and trying to scare that baby out of her before we left!  We obviously failed:(

Matthew and Cousin Kyle rode out to get a whiff of the mint fields that were being cleared and we went to check out where a lot of large pipes were being brought in that were being stock piled to obviously do a large project in the future.  We will have to check in to hear about that one!  Also, Cousin Kyle was a great entertainer from rides to swimming to just being a great host:)  Thanks Kyle!
Matthew found out that Whitney and Nathaniel live with a set of railroad tracks running along the back of their property, so that was another hot afternoon, but eventually sucess and he saw a train!

The weather cooled off a little after a couple of days so we headed out for a early hike to Potato Creek State Park.  It was a pleasant morning and as you can tell the kids were thrilled about getting out for some exercise:)

      Aunt Darlene setting up for the family get together, all smiles as usual and always getting things done!
Cousin Kyle set up the Croquet set so we all played a few rounds:)

   One of our handsome nephews TJ, and his beautiful wife, Pam, but somehow we missed their precious Emma who is off playing croquet so isn't in the pic:(
               Couldn't get enough of that cutie Lydia, we threatened to bring her home with us!!!
Our gorgeous niece and her sweet family, husband Nathaniel and little Lydia! 
Our other handsome nephew Jason and his precious family which we were also excited to meet their newest addition little Illa(sp. sorry)and to see how big the boys have gotten since we were there last!
                          Matthew of course found things with wheels to ride on and to play with!!!

Matthew also enjoyed Shelby who since our last visit has gotten quite a bit more mellow with age:)
We love our visits to Indiana and we love our Indiana Family, can't wait to visit again!!!!!!!!!!!!