Thursday, April 30, 2009

Strawberry Festival

Well, just an update on life. We are all well and the kids are getting really excited about school ending in about five weeks. They both have music recitals and Elizabeth has her dance recital and just about something on every weekend now until the very end. I don't know where the time has gone, but I know the heat has already arrived so summer can't be far behind. We have already had our first load of fresh strawberries, and we mostly ate them right out of the bucket. Elizabeth also got some Lemons at the Strawberry Festival and came home and made fresh lemonade. It was delicious and we have since had fresh squeezed OJ and more lemonade.
Its a little pricier, but she sure does enjoy doing it. I also made a Strawberry cake for a friend who has not been well. Hope it didn't make her feel worse, haha!
I hope all of you are well and Happy Birthday late to Uncle Terry and early Happy Birthday to Grandma Haimbaugh! Aunt Darlene your next!

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