Monday, July 27, 2009


I can't believe Elizabeth is now 10! A whole decade
ago we were off to the hospital to bring home our first
baby. It has been the most exciting ten years of
my forty years, and I wouldn't change a moment.
She has informed us that she is now a Tween, and
I see those changes coming at us fast, but for now
she is still our little girl who loves reading, crafting
and playing with her American Girl dolls. She had
a great Bee-Day Slumber Party. Yes I said slumber
party. David and I made it thru our first sleep over
and so did the girls. Fun was had, but I hope it is
another year before she asks to do it again. As you see
we had a theme for our birthday, because we always
have to have a theme. We got the sunflowers to top
off our whole summer busy bee theme part. They
were pretty but didn't really make a great arrangment.
They sort of wanted to flop more than stand up and
see any sun.

We made giant tissue flowers for our craft, because
just as we must have a theme, we must also do
a craft.

I loved how easy this cake was and it turned out
really cute!

Present time, and doesn't evertyone need a coke
flavored lip gloss? Thanks Grace!
Birthday morning breakfast-muffin request was
fulfilled. She is also wearing her new American
Girl PJ's-Very cute!

Yeah Cheesecake Factory B-day!

1 comment:

  1. OK- I found where to post!! :-) Love the pictures from the slumber party- the cake was so cute- you are impressive! Glad you survived the sleepover- can't believe they're all 10 either- Doesn't seem that long ago they were in preschool together and we were pregnant with the boys...
