Sunday, July 12, 2009


Well this is my last post of the day. I have been sad
and prayerful for one of our closest friends all this weekend.
A friend that I have had for 10 years thru a total
of 6 pregnancy's (thankfully 4 were hers!) and many houses.
(They have moved a Lot!) there youngest daughter fell
from a loft in her parents beach house onto a hard tile
floor head first. She is still in the world but there are
still critical hurdles to make it thru. The first 72 hours they
were told are the most critical and so far 48 down. She
still has a lot of brain swelling and they have now had to
put her into a medically induced coma. Please pray for her because I
know right now that is what her family has to hold on to
since they can't hold onto her. All the prayers hopefully
will lift her up and heal her back to her normal beautiful self.
Shes a little angel on earth and we just aren't ready for her
to not be here. Thanks to all!

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