Thursday, February 4, 2010

Locks of Love!

On Tuesday Elizabeth had all of her long blonde hair
cut off to give to locks of love. You have to have no
less than 10 inches banded in a ponytail or braid, so
it took her quite a while to grow that out. We went
up to the salon and Tamera put it in a ponytail and
chopped it off. I am putting it in the mail today!
She loves her new swingy bob and was happy she
did such a generous thing. David and I have so much
to be proud of and thankful for when it comes to
our kids, despite us I think their turning out pretty
good (so far so good).
What took more than a year, almost two, only took
seconds to chop off!
The new Look!
Ready to send it off so someone else can enjoy that
real blonde hair!

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