Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Matthew's Birthday Weekend Celebration

Well we spent Saturday at the Zoo for Matthews
Birthday. That was our gift to him and we all got
to enjoy that. We had perfect weather and all the
animals were out and about so we got to see all that
the Zoo had to offer. We also went to the Botanical
Gardens in Columbia since it connects to the Zoo.
The kids were getting tired by then and it was quite
a hike up to it, but it was beautiful with all the flowers
and things starting to bloom. Sunday Matthew got
family B-day gifts and from my parents he got a new
motorized scooter. Needless to say he loves it!

It started to rain right after he got the scooter so
it was almost night before he got to ride again.

This was funny since Matthew seems more like the size
of a dinosaur than this little statue did!
The flowers in the Zoo were beautiful all blooming
brilliant colors.
These are some huge smelly creatures!

This was also another amazing site once he got up and
moving he was pretty swift.

No Matthew is not in this picture. HA HA
Anybody know what this is? It is beautiful, but I
have no idea what type of plant it is.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Matthew is 8!

Well Matthew turned 8 yesterday! We had a
little birthday celebration when he got up and
opened his gifts. He had been begging for that
giant catfish pillow since right after Christmas.
He was so excited to get it (I don't know why it
is so ugly) and slept with it last night. He's other
gift is a trip to the Columbia, SC Zoo. We are
headed there tomorrow morning for the day or
ever how long it takes to enjoy the whole place.

I can't believe my baby is 8!

The big catfish pillow!
He also got some new professional speed cups!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Art Show

Well aren't we glad Spring is finally here!

The kids had art work that was chosen for display at the
High School along with all the other schools in our local area.
Elizabeth has participated in this every year, but this was
the first year for Matthew. We were very proud of them
both, especially since only a small number out of each
class gets chosen to have their art displayed. We also
enjoyed seeing some of their friends art work and the
excitement over the displays. I was really impressed
with some of the High school and Middle School art work
for such a young age there was a lot of talent.

Elizabeth's is the bird house at the top right just
above her head!
Matthew's is the top swirls, you may remember it
from his artist of the week pictures!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

What a Hike!

Well the weather was beautiful this weekend so
we thought we would head out for a hike. We headed
out to Kings Mt. for what I thought would be about
a one hour hike. Three hours later and a few complaints
later we were headed home. We did close to a six mile
hike! The kids did pretty good all things considered, we
hadn't planned to go that far it just sort of happened!
We weren't really prepared for that length either so
it probably wasn't the smartest move on mine and
Davids part, but we had a good time all in all. A little
sore today and next one I think we won't go quite so
far so the return isn't as hard on us until we build up
a little more tolerance for that kind of terrain, but we
had fun and enjoyed a beautiful day!
These pics are all at the beginning of the hike as
no one was interested in stopping long enough for one
on the return part!

The 50's!

Well I haven't posted anything lately as it has
been cold and nasty here so we have really
been inside mostly and just doing the Wii and
hanging out. No photographic moments that
I would want to post doing that. Elizabeth had
a school play last weekend that was on Rock n Roll
history. Her grade was the 50's so she got to
dress really cute. She enjoyed being in it and they
all did a great job!
Mimi, Pappy, Katie and Emily joined us!