Sunday, March 7, 2010

What a Hike!

Well the weather was beautiful this weekend so
we thought we would head out for a hike. We headed
out to Kings Mt. for what I thought would be about
a one hour hike. Three hours later and a few complaints
later we were headed home. We did close to a six mile
hike! The kids did pretty good all things considered, we
hadn't planned to go that far it just sort of happened!
We weren't really prepared for that length either so
it probably wasn't the smartest move on mine and
Davids part, but we had a good time all in all. A little
sore today and next one I think we won't go quite so
far so the return isn't as hard on us until we build up
a little more tolerance for that kind of terrain, but we
had fun and enjoyed a beautiful day!
These pics are all at the beginning of the hike as
no one was interested in stopping long enough for one
on the return part!

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