Friday, April 23, 2010

Matthew and his Speed Stackers

Matthew still loves those speed stackers.
He got the professional timer now and
he loves trying to break records, his own
and others from school and Youtube. We
keep planning to put a video on Youtube,
and we will so there will be more to come
for you to see on the speed stacking.

This was a shot we took laughing at his tower of
cups and this big mouth basking shark. We said
they looked so much alike he had to be in the picture
with him.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Painted Lady Butterflys

Matthew got some baby caterpillars for his birthday
and of course with time they became butterfly's.
We let them out the other day, because it was such
a beautiful day and they needed to be free from that
little mesh house that they came out into. They
actually sat on the kids hands and fingers before
taking flight. Of course as soon as they were gone
Matthew wanted to know when we could get some

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Spring Break a day at Carowinds!

We headed to Carowinds on one of their days off
with Mrs. Christie, Grace and Joe. The weather was
nice until around 2pm and then it got a little rainy
and gray. That was okay since we had done just
about all we wanted since we got there at 9:30 and
they let us in early. Elizabeth and I got in line for
the new roller coaster, The Intimidator, which I have
to say was more than a little scary, but she loved it!
They all had a great time and in one year Christie and
I will consider doing it again, hahaha!

The balloons are a hit with all of them!
Joe and Matthew were happiest just goofing off!

How funny are Elizabeth and Joe and how obnoxious is
this board!
Grace, Elizabeth and Matthew loved the Rip Roaring Rapids.
Christie rode once with them, but I escaped this one!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Easter Sunday!

Well the Easter Bunny stopped by the DeLanghe's
and of course left some candy and a few toys and
such. The kids were both happy with their things
and enjoyed some candy before heading out to church.
We had never seen Marley & Me, but can't say we
had missed much. It was sad and had a little more
to explain in it than I wanted to explain, Oh well!

Unfortunately David had to work all weekend so we
didn't get to take a family picture. We missed having
him with us and our pictures have an empty spot.
We had our own little Easter egg hunt. It was pretty
hot that day so we only lasted thru a few hides, but we
had a nice day and a great lunch. David enjoyed his
a little later in the afternoon, but it was still good!

Easter Eggs

I am getting behind on picture posting, but
here are our egg dying pics. The kids each
did 10 since we lost a few to cracks and to
my lunch that day. They got pretty creative
with the glitter glue and some dipping to make
stripes. I think they had some really colorful

I think this is supposed to be her Dad, it looks like

So serious!

Elizabeth went to our church's Easter egg hunt.
Matthew of course wasn't interested, even with
candy he opted out!