Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Spring Break a day at Carowinds!

We headed to Carowinds on one of their days off
with Mrs. Christie, Grace and Joe. The weather was
nice until around 2pm and then it got a little rainy
and gray. That was okay since we had done just
about all we wanted since we got there at 9:30 and
they let us in early. Elizabeth and I got in line for
the new roller coaster, The Intimidator, which I have
to say was more than a little scary, but she loved it!
They all had a great time and in one year Christie and
I will consider doing it again, hahaha!

The balloons are a hit with all of them!
Joe and Matthew were happiest just goofing off!

How funny are Elizabeth and Joe and how obnoxious is
this board!
Grace, Elizabeth and Matthew loved the Rip Roaring Rapids.
Christie rode once with them, but I escaped this one!

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