Tuesday, May 25, 2010

What a Busy Week!

I posted these activities backwards, but they
have all been this past week. Last Thursday
Matthew had a 2nd Grade scavanger hunt and
hot dog party. They celebrated for all the books
that they had read over the school year. He
loves being goofy and apparently several of his
friends do too. Elizabeth had her dance recital on
Saturday, and she did really well. She enjoys
going to dance I think mostly for the socializing,
but at least shes moving too. She still takes tap
and ballet. Last night we went to the Academic
Awards at school, where Elizabeth recieved the
President's Education Award for Outstanding
Academic Excellence in Science. She and one other
fifth grader received this, so we were really proud
of her. She has really enjoyed school this year and
has excelled in all areas of academics. It was nice
that she was recognized for all her hard work. We
are really proud of both kids for their school
accomplishments this year, they both worked hard
and their grades showed it!

Goofy boys!

Camping Fun!

Well David and the kids decided they would camp out
a couple of weeks ago, although it was a little warmer
than David likes he and Matthew made it the whole
night. Elizabeth had a little tummy ach after the hot dog
smores fest so she slept in the house. You probably think
looking at this first picture that Matthew found some
interesting creature he wanted to get a closer look at, but
actually their Dad decided to show them both how to start
a fire with a magnifying glass. Of course they were both
successful, and wow what Mother wouldn't want her kids
to be able to start a fire on their own.lol

Elizabeth and my Mom did some Justice catalogue
shopping and I am sad to say she has several new tops
that will only be seen in the backyard and this is
one of them! They grow up way too fast!


Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Mothers Day!

I had a great Mothers Day! Matthew and Elizabeth
gave me some very special gifts that were truely
from their hearts. I got to enjoy a Mother Daughter
Banquet with my Mom and Elizabeth, and my Dad
cooked us a great Mothers Day Lunch on Sunday!
It was a wonderful weekend and I enjoyed every
minute with my family!

Matthews beautiful art work for me!

He wrote a lovely letter and his picture below was
done by one of his teachers at school. Very
thoughtful of the teacher, since Dads don't always
take care of these little things.

I was teary eyed after I read both my kids note and
poem. I love them both and know that everything
I do is appreciated although they don't always say
it at the moment!

Elizabeth wrote and colored me this cute poem on
her homemade note and made this giant paper
flower for me!

My Mothers Day Poem
By: Elizabeth DeLanghe

We forgot to take a picture when we were still dressed
nice so this was snapped after we had walked at
Kings Mountain, which was a great part of our day.
The weather was perfect for our busy day:Church, lunch,
Staceys Greenhouse, ice cream and a nice walk up the

Monday, May 3, 2010

Tweetsie Railroad has opened for 2010!

Well Tweetsie has opened and of course we had to go
on opening weekend! The weather was nice as usual, the
mountains just have better weather, its only an hour and
a half away, but what a difference. We rode the train twice
and the kids rode the rides over and over until they were
done and ready to call it a day. Seven hours later we
headed home, but we'll head back up the mountain as
soon as school is out for another day of train riding and
cool mountain breezes!

Tweetsies #12 was on the track!

Both kids love seeing the animals and they had some new
baby goats that Elizabeth thought were so cute.

This llama was very interesting he had such deep eyes
when he looked at you it was like he knew what you
were saying!

They always gem mine even though it seems like
there were fewer gems this year:(

Very deep in thought over sifting that sand!

Still working hard at it. I think Elizabeth had
high hopes! I guess thats a girl thing!
I love the ride up or down the mountain, the view is great!

Matthew started his day with a spin on the tornado!

They all needed a break so why not have some dipping
The little cars are so fun especially when the trees
are blooming. There is a beautiful dogwood over the
track and it was in full bloom!
Thank goodness it was only a balloon!