Sunday, September 2, 2012

Lincoln Park Zoo + Trains

When we were ready to leave the city we decided to make one last stop.  Chicago has a Zoo right in the city like New York.  It was nice but the parking was such a pain that when we finally got in we just weren't as excited as when we started out.  It was nice and the views of the city were nice too!  After we left there we headed out to do some train watching and we found a spot in Illinois that was really a great spot.  It was a couple hours West and had a nice little covered area to sit and wait, so we did.  Ten trains later we hit the road heading towards home or at least a hotel on the way home:)

                                                     Train watching, such a patient boy:)
          David loved that this crossing arm had one not just for the road, but for the sidewalk as well!

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