Sunday, June 7, 2009

Well school is out and during the last week the
kids had awards day. The pictures aren't very
good, but they both did very well. A lot of the
awards are sort of pointless, but both Elizabeth
and Matthew got some unique ones. Elizabeth
got one for having all A's and B's which we are
very proud of how well she did in school this year.
She has been in the gifted and talented program for
two years now and it seems to have just now
challenged her. We weren't sure about the
program at the beginning of the year, but I
think she would have been bored in the other
level class. Matthew(he is towards the right in
the picture, not some of my best photos) got a few
general awards as did Elizabeth, but he also got
one in Science. He loves Science, bugs, weather
and rocks. He is also quite the gardener. We are
obviously proud of them and wanted to share.
They had a great end of the year and with a little
sadness said goodbye to the 4th grade and the
1st grade, never to walk that way again.

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