Sunday, June 7, 2009

Well we made it up to Tweetsie again after the
kids last day of school. David took the day off and
we got up there around 1:30. The weather was
great and again the crowds were slim since not all
kids are out of school in our areas. Thomas was also
there that day so that was a bonus. Matthew
doesn't play with his Thomas wood trains any-
more, but to see the life size one was pretty
exciting. The train ride had a stop and the cowboys
did a skit with Thomas being in the story line
and adding in a few peep peeps. Also, Matthew
loves number 12 Tweetsie, but Friday they had
190 on the track and he was really excited about
that. That boy loves those Steam Engines!!!

Matthew could use a riding lesson, anyone in
Indiana up for the challenge?!

Everybody loves the ferris wheel it has a great
view of the mountains and the train when it
comes around the bend!

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