Monday, July 27, 2009


I can't believe Elizabeth is now 10! A whole decade
ago we were off to the hospital to bring home our first
baby. It has been the most exciting ten years of
my forty years, and I wouldn't change a moment.
She has informed us that she is now a Tween, and
I see those changes coming at us fast, but for now
she is still our little girl who loves reading, crafting
and playing with her American Girl dolls. She had
a great Bee-Day Slumber Party. Yes I said slumber
party. David and I made it thru our first sleep over
and so did the girls. Fun was had, but I hope it is
another year before she asks to do it again. As you see
we had a theme for our birthday, because we always
have to have a theme. We got the sunflowers to top
off our whole summer busy bee theme part. They
were pretty but didn't really make a great arrangment.
They sort of wanted to flop more than stand up and
see any sun.

We made giant tissue flowers for our craft, because
just as we must have a theme, we must also do
a craft.

I loved how easy this cake was and it turned out
really cute!

Present time, and doesn't evertyone need a coke
flavored lip gloss? Thanks Grace!
Birthday morning breakfast-muffin request was
fulfilled. She is also wearing her new American
Girl PJ's-Very cute!

Yeah Cheesecake Factory B-day!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Libby Claire is Healing!

Also, happy to post that our friends daughter
Libby Claire has truly had a miracle in her healing.
It has truly gone from please pray she makes it to
she is coming back now from a almost week long
medically induced coma and she has already spoken
her first word "Mama". Happy to report that
things have slowly improved since the 72 hour
mark and will prayerfully continue to. We continue
to pray for the entire family since now they hope
to get her moved up here to Charlotte so they can
all come home from Florida. It has I am sure
been one of the longest weeks of their lives.

Crickets and Chocolate?

Apparently crickets like the smell of Chocolate,
Matthew had on his chocolate dyed shirt and
since it was new it still had the smell to it of
chocolate. Apparently the cricket really liked it.
It stayed on him for quite a while. Matthew
loved it! We got this shirt for him because when
he eats chocolate anything this is how his
mouth looks!

Could this really be July?

Well the weekend was pretty near perfect for us.
The weather was beautiful! I mean I would
have never thought we could have days like this
in South Carolina in late July. No HUMIDITY!
We spent all of Saturday out doors. That
evening the kids and David camped out, but earlier
we did the usual campfire activities such as
winnie roasting and smore making. We really had
a great weekend!

Camp site!

Umm Hot dogs!

Ummmmmmmmmmm Smores!

They are really roughing it, huh!

Sunday, July 12, 2009


Well this is my last post of the day. I have been sad
and prayerful for one of our closest friends all this weekend.
A friend that I have had for 10 years thru a total
of 6 pregnancy's (thankfully 4 were hers!) and many houses.
(They have moved a Lot!) there youngest daughter fell
from a loft in her parents beach house onto a hard tile
floor head first. She is still in the world but there are
still critical hurdles to make it thru. The first 72 hours they
were told are the most critical and so far 48 down. She
still has a lot of brain swelling and they have now had to
put her into a medically induced coma. Please pray for her because I
know right now that is what her family has to hold on to
since they can't hold onto her. All the prayers hopefully
will lift her up and heal her back to her normal beautiful self.
Shes a little angel on earth and we just aren't ready for her
to not be here. Thanks to all!

Boys! What want they touch or pick up?

Matthew and David recently found a turtle in
the road and of course Matthew wanted to keep
him in the bucket you see him in below, but we
talked him into letting him go. He was quite excited
and now of course he is on the look out for the next
one to show up.

Yes, Tweetsie Again!

Yes, we went to Tweetsie again, for the Fourth
of July. We had a great day!! The weather was
perfect and the fire works that night were
beautiful. We had a late night and a full day so
we were all glad to get home. The kids enjoyed
the rides and gem mining as usual, and of course
two trips on the train! Hope all of you had a great
day what or wherever you celebrated!

Matthew also panned for GOLD!

Catfish for TEN days!!

If we never left home and it never rained I could
probably have a dog. Catfish is a good dog, but he
is a dog, and all that comes with that was too much
for me. The extra vaccuming , and the bathing, and
the opps clean ups(luckily David got that one), it
was too much like having a third child. I do well
to keep up with my two kids and one husband. He
was fun to have for a limited time, but I don't think
we will ever do the indoor dog thing!

Fathers Day

We are a little behind with our pictures and postings,
but David had a nice Fathers Day and the kids enjoyed
a night out catching fire flies. We did some house sitting
for my parents while they were on vacation and
David seem to fit right into the idea of a recliner and
TV with cable.