Monday, September 7, 2009

Apple Festival and Camping!

Well we headed up to the mountains for Labor Day Weekend.
We stayed in Bonclarken which is a retreat affiliated with
our church. The kids camped with MiMi and Pappy
down in the campgrounds while David and I stayed in one
of the residency halls. I can't call it a hotel, because although
they did bring towels and tidy up the room one day that was
it. We had no TV, radio and barely lighting. Your not really
meant to be in the room much, and thankfully we weren't.
We went to the Apple Festival on Saturday and then spent
part of Sunday looking for some water Falls my Dad thought
were relatively close. THEY WEREN'T! The kids did
some fishing and they loved this little creek that ran by
the climbing wall. We also paddled around in paddle boats on
the lake and enjoyed walks around it as well. The weather was
good and overall we had a nice relaxing weekend. Our Labor
Day was spent driving home and doing laundry from the
weekend outing. The kids caught up at MiMi and Pappys on
their cartoons and came home later in the day. Hope all of
you had a nice weekend and enjoyed weather as pleasant
as we did!

The little stream was a big hit for snails and rocks!
Hendersonville has these great Apples all along
the street that the businesses have painted in
a variety of designs. As you see we took pictures
in front of several of them.

The one below is a great one for the Festival!
Of course this one was Matthews favorite. It had
a train painted on it for the NC railways.
This one was one of our favorites. Its a carmel
coated apple! We also enjoyed a couple of those
while we were there.
Matthew really ENJOYED getting a geode and
having it split open right in front of him, and getting
to help split it. It was exciting for us to see and
for him it was GREAT!
They enjoyed doing some fishing off the end of
the gazebo at the lake, and both caught a few
little fish along with a turtle!

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