Monday, September 28, 2009

Well it has been a while, but we just haven't made
very many pictures lately, until we headed out to the
gardens for the Butterfly release. The kids did
crafts and all though the weather wasn't great we
enjoyed a walk thru the gardens. The best part
is in the Orchid observatory, this is where they have
all the butterflies that are in their chrysalis's and
just emerging. The kids both got to release a Monarch
butterfly. Just like with the hummingbirds it is so fast
that the picture was just of their hands with the butterfly
gone. There were lots of them around thou for photo
opportunities. It was a nice morning and the kids had
fun! They also had a magician that they watched
twice and Elizabeth even got to be an assistant.

Our very own butterfly and dragonfly.

Bravo to the magician!

Nice hat or is it hair?

The magician made great balloon animals too!
A lady bug and catipillar

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